Top Tips to Transform a Home for the Spring Market

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Lynn Hoffmann | Halton Regional Broker | Manager | Wealth Services & Luxury Affiliates | | 416-953-1149

If you genuinely aim to enhance the value of your home, the most effective approach is to step back – quite literally, across the street – and assess your property as if encountering it for the first time. Would you be drawn to visit? Would you feel inclined to knock on the door? 

When observing homes in neighborhoods, it’s natural to assess their exterior first – their attributes and curb appeal. This initial impression matters greatly, as you only get one opportunity to make it great. If the exterior fails to captivate, you’ll likely keep searching until you find properties with lusher lawns, tidier shrubs, and impeccably groomed gardens. The same principle applies to online property browsing. What’s the first thing that catches the eye? And doesn’t this impact whether you continue exploring? Within mere seconds, people decide whether to engage further or move on to the next listing. So why is exterior improvement often neglected?

As the listing agent, wouldn’t you want to strategize with your clients about which tasks should take precedence in preparing their home for the spring market, and which ones can wait? This conversation is crucial for creating curb appeal, thereby attracting higher offers and expediting sales.


The following tips will assist your clients in maximizing their return on investment and accelerating the turnover of their listings. Begin with a thorough cleanup. Rid the front lawn of clutter, such as litter, broken branches, leaves, and any other items that detract from its appearance. While this may seem elementary, many people become accustomed to seeing their yards cluttered, including toys and tools left strewn about. 

With a discerning eye, inspect the yard, sidewalks, porch areas, siding, roof, gutters, porch deck, pathways, driveway, sheds, and garage. Compile a list of necessary repairs, cleanups, resurfacing, or painting tasks. This assessment should encompass cleaning windows, shutters, exterior doors, and the garage door.

Address issues like overgrown shrubs, neglected flower beds, or lack of landscaping.

The exterior condition of a home reflects its owner’s care and maintenance, influencing perceptions of the interior as well. Determine which tasks can be handled by the homeowner and which may require professional assistance. While cleanup often requires nothing more than elbow grease, tasks like resurfacing a deteriorating driveway or sidewalk might necessitate professional intervention. Advanced cleanup may entail powerwashing siding, eaves, and the garage door, as well as washing windows, sweeping walkways and the driveway, mowing the lawn, and sprucing up flower beds. Enhance the front entrance with flowers, whether in beds or containers, to create a welcoming focal point.

Minor repairs might involve patching cracks in sidewalks or driveways, painting wooden decks, replacing damaged deck boards, ensuring gutters function properly, and addressing lawn bald spots. Neatly edged lawn areas and flower beds contribute to a polished appearance. Shredded pine mulch not only enhances aesthetics but also emits a pleasant aroma. Opt for shredded pine mulch, which is safe for children and pets, over environmentally harmful black or dyed mulch.


Ensure that exterior lighting, irrigation systems, and fountains are operational when showcasing the property.

Major repair work may entail professional landscaping, including the removal of outdated shrubs and plants. Such vegetation typically needs replacement every 5 to 10 years, depending on maintenance and trimming frequency.

Tasks like driveway refinishing, exterior painting, or roof replacement are significant but can significantly enhance property value when executed properly. 

• Consider this curb appeal checklist:

• Remove all litter.

• Weed, prune, and mulch beds.

• Mow the lawn, fertilize, trim edges, and rake. 

• Sweep and wash sidewalks, patios, and decks.

• Ensure a clean front porch entrance, with a well-maintained lock set and door handle.

• Replace worn-out mailboxes or doorbells.

• Place container plants strategically, and if space permits, add seating with fresh pillows for a welcoming touch.

• Clean the front door and window transoms.

• Trim all hedges, shrubs, and greenery.

In my experience, a welcoming front entrance and yard can expedite home sales by as much as three weeks. I’m not suggesting over-improvement, but a properly presented home with curb appeal tends to outperform those lacking it. Remember, the exterior appearance sets expectations for the interior condition and level of care.